
Rigaku NEX OL

Featuring advanced 3rd generation energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) technology, NEX OL represents the next evolution of process elemental analysis for liquid stream applications. Designed to span from heavy industrial through to food-grade process gauging solutions, the NEX OL is configurable for use in both classified and non-classified areas.

  • Real-time process control by elemental analysis
  • Measure elements of aluminium to uranium
  • From ppm levels to weight percent (wt%)
  • Robust NEX QC+ optics with SDD detector
  • Industrial touchscreen user interface
  • Easy empirical calibration and routine operation
  • Toolless routine maintenance
  • Multiple remote analysis heads (non-classified)
  • No dangerous radioisotopes

Rigaku NEX XT - High Level Sulfur Measurement

NEX XT is the next generation process gauge for high-level total sulfur measurement (0.02% to 6% S) of crude, bunker fuel, fuel oils, and other highly viscous hydrocarbons, including residuums.

  • Measure sulfur (S) from 200 ppm to 6 wt%
  • Compact design with no routine maintenance
  • Up to 1450 psig and 200°C
  • User-adjustable data update frequency
  • Reduced standards requirements
  • No sample condition or recovery system
  • No radioisotopes

Niumag Education NMR / MRI | EDUMR | Education Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI))

Rigaku NEX OL | Oil & Gas Refineries | Online Elemental Analysis | Rigaku NEX XT | High Level Sulfur Measurement

Rigaku NEX LS Scanning Multi-element Coating Analyzer | Silicone on Paper | Si Coating | Industrial X-ray

Rigaku NEX DE VS EDXRF spectrometer | Variable Spot | RoHS 3 | 1 - 10 mm spot size

Rigaku NEX CG II Cartesian Geometry EDXRF Spectrometer | Indirect Excitation | Polarization EDXRF

Rigaku NEX DE - High Resolution ED-XRF Elemental Analyzer | 60kV Direct Excitation