The amount of carbon and sulphur in inorganic materials like iron, steel, cement, limestone, glass or ceramics is hard to measure. Combustion gas analysis makes the concentration measurement easy, fast and accurate. The use of UV absorption improves the accuracy of sulphur measurements significantly compared to IR absorption. Learn about the principles of C, S analysis by combustion with HF-induction and how its combination with ZoneProtect and HighSense detection advances the entire technique.
- Carbon & Sulfur in Inorganic Material Analysis
- By Combustion technique
- Iron & Steel
- Cement & Limestone
- Glass & Ceramics
Elemental Analysis - Carbon and Sulfur Analyis by Combustion | Bruker G4 Icarus
Bruker Q4 Tasman Series 2 OES Arc Spark Spectrometer for Ferrous and non ferrous analysis
Portable EDXRF for MARPOL Sulfur Compliance | ASTM-D4294 | Marine Pollution | ISO8754
Portable Handheld XRF Analyzer for Consumer Safety - RoHS 3 | Restricted Material Analysis
Toxic metals in cookware by using handheld portable XRF
Portable XRF for Coastal Wetlands Research | Fast In-situ Elemental Analysis for Coastal Wetlands