S1 TITAN Handheld XRF Analyzer
Category: Handheld XRF
Graphene Window SDD; 20 mm 2 Active Area; Typical Resolution <145eV @450,000cps
TITAN Detector Shield (TM)
Included On All Models
25 cm x 28 cm x 9 cm/1.5 kg (With Battery)
Integrated Camera
Optional On All Models
S1 TITAN Model 800, S1 TITAN Model 500S, S1 TITAN Model 500
- Portable Elemental Analysis From Mg - U
Shielded Detector- Guaranteed!
Wide Range of Applications
2 Times Faster
- New graphene SDD detectors mean 2 times faster light element measurement!
3 mm Small Spot Collimator
- Optional 3 mm collimator enables accurate measurement of small components and welds.
50 Newton Force
- Bruker proprietary detector shield is guaranteed protection to the detector, it can withstand more than 50 newtons force on the point of a dart tip.

The S1 TITAN is lightweight (1.5 kg, including battery) and rugged handheld XRF analyzer. Fast analysis speed and exceptional accuracy are two key attributes that help define the S1 TITAN.
Other Innovative Features Include:
- 50 kV X-ray tube
- Latest graphene window detector technology
- TITAN detector shield - Guaranteed detector protection
- SMART Grade timing for fast alloy grade ID
- Wi-Fi and USB connectivity
- An extremely tough housing that is sealed against humid and dusty environments
The S1 TITAN HHXRF series is available in three configurations: Models 800, 500 and 500S. All models use the latest graphene window SDD detector technology which enables faster light element analysis. The S1 TITAN 800 use a large area detector to give you incredibly fast analysis times. The S1 TITAN 500 and 500S are configured with a fast and accurate standard SDD detector. All models are equipped with TITAN Detector Shield which provides a guaranteed detector protection. In addition, the S1 TITAN can be configured with calibrations that are optimized for a variety of sample materials - including a wide range of alloys, metal coatings, various mining & environmental samples, as well as restricted materials.
- The ultimate defense against punctured detectors, GUARANTEED!
S1 TITAN Benefits At A Glance:
Available calibrations include: Alloy, gold and precious metals, catalytic converters, soil, mining, restricted materials, metal coatings and customer specific- Latest graphene window SDD detector technology
- Superior count rates and resolution
- Faster than previous generations
- Lower detection limits
- Easy analysis of light elements, such as magnesium, aluminum and silicon, without the need for vacuum or helium atmosphere (S1 TITAN 800 and 500S)
Metal Alloys
- Alloy Analysis and Positive Material Identification (PMI)
- Geo Expoloration
Restricted Materials
- Consumer Safety & Security
View more about S1 TITAN Handheld XRF Analyzer on main site